jueves, 12 de noviembre de 2009

The money

I consider myself as a person that knows how to handle money. I have always helped in money issues in my house, I have always been responsible to pay the bills, deposited the checks, distributed the money on travels, control de expenses, etc. This means that I have a lot of experience handling money on a on a daily basis.
I usually don’t have to borrow money from other people, only to my mother that is the person that supports me while I´m not able to make money for myself. But if I ask someone else for money is because I need to by something immediately and I left the money at home, like lunch, copies, etc. And I´m not very good at returning the money, not because I don´t want to, but because I have a very bad memory for that, so If I ask for money I also ask that someone remind me to return it. When I don´t remember in a long time and the persons that borrow me the money ask me for it, I feel very embarrassed, that’s why I always prefer not to borrow money. The big problem with my bad memory for money issues is that I also don´t remember when I lend money to someone else, so If the other person doesn´t remembers, I never get my money back.
A long time ago, I used to pay my bills making very long lines, a few times a month, to pay them , It was a big waste of time and energy, and also very boring. Now, with the technology I pay my bills bay PAC, that is a system that discounts the money directly from your bank account, the company only lets you know how much you expend and why. The other method is paying the bill on the web side of Servipag, you ask for the bills that you owe and you pay them quickly and easy by internet with you bank pin.
I think that the responsibility of teaching us about the money, hoe to use it and the big responsibility that implies, is the responsibility of the family and the school, all the knowledge combined helps people to know better how to manage their finances.

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