viernes, 9 de octubre de 2009

I suck as a tour guide in Santiago

I have to admit that I don`t really know very much the tourist part of Santiago, so if some friend comes to visit me I think I would ask a friend of mine about what to do. She has been visited by a lot of friends from another country (Ecuador), so she has a lot of experience as a tourist guide. I think I would start de tour in Cerro San Cristobal in a very sunny day, and hopefully in a free smog day, so they could see the city. I would also take them to the best Chilean restaurants, for them to taste our typical food. If it is winter, depending on the budget, I would like to organize a trip to Farellones, Colorado so they could ski and enjoy the snow. If it is summer, I would prefer to go to Valparaiso, Viña del Mar to enjoy the beaches, or maybe take them to the south, to the country. It shows, but if someone came to Chile, I definitely wouldn’t stay in Santiago, is a city like any other, I think is a little bit boring as a place to stay having some many wonders just two hours from here.